Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New tool: wetpaint

With wetpaint: anyone can - without technical skill - write websites and share the passion or interest. To make it easy, it combines wikis, blogs, forums and social networks. You should just click and type.
"... blogs make online publishing easy — but blogs are monologues. And forums are great for question and answers, but they're too hard to search. And wikis allow the reader to become the writer, editor and fact-checker, but they're just too darn hard to use for the average person. Wetpaint is different. With Wetpaint, anyone with a passion can create an entirely new website and invite others to help them build it. And it's easy — adding to a Wetpaint site is as simple as click and type. And when you put thousands of heads together to solve a problem, the results can be astonishing. And we really believe that."
And it's really work!

For ex. the MythBusters wiki:


Monday, November 12, 2007

Making a Web 2.0 Text with fireworks by Techtreak.com

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Photoshop Tips: Create a Tiled Background

A video about a nice background with Photoshop:


Sunday, September 02, 2007

Gmail: Behind the Scenes (Final Cut)

If I had known this, (so many people have paid work with an e-mail) I would have sent more e-mail.:)

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

YouTube outlines how it plans to make money

It seems a good idea for content producers, but how will Google share the revenue with them? In what rate? I think this rate will be secret too.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Novell Owns Unix Copyrights

It isn't too good for SCO. They wanted their trading profit to increase, but...

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A Microsoft House

windows, microsoft house, fan


Monday, July 23, 2007

Akamai Introduces First-of-Its-Kind, Real-Time View into Health of the Internet.



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

To Track Web sites, Companies Turning To Software Niche


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Mux video transcoder

I'm using Linux at home and I can't watch some video formats (for example: flash video, because my flash can't be updated now, I don't know why) but I have found a good tool for my problem: Mux. You must write the URL of the video, the input type and the wanted output type and it will convert the video to the wanted format. You are emailed when it's all done. I think it's cool, because I don't want to change my OS.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Moodle - the course management system

software, webtools, webtool, management, system
Moodle is a very nice tool for online pedagogic usage. It's a free, Open Source software package for helping educators create effective online learning communities.

"You can download and use it on any computer you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale from a single-teacher site to a 50,000-student University. This site itself is created using Moodle, so check out the Moodle Demonstration Courses or read the latest Moodle Buzz".
"Moodle has a large and diverse user community with over 150,000 registered users on this site alone, speaking over 75 languages in over 160 countries (we have more statistics here). The best place to start is Using Moodle, which is where the main international discussions are held in English, but we have a variety of groups discussing other topics and in other languages."
It has lots of plugins and modules, for ex.: AIM, translator, analog clock block, audio recorder to making mp3 files, and all. And it has very nice themes to make the learning more entertaining.