Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New tool: wetpaint

With wetpaint: anyone can - without technical skill - write websites and share the passion or interest. To make it easy, it combines wikis, blogs, forums and social networks. You should just click and type.
"... blogs make online publishing easy — but blogs are monologues. And forums are great for question and answers, but they're too hard to search. And wikis allow the reader to become the writer, editor and fact-checker, but they're just too darn hard to use for the average person. Wetpaint is different. With Wetpaint, anyone with a passion can create an entirely new website and invite others to help them build it. And it's easy — adding to a Wetpaint site is as simple as click and type. And when you put thousands of heads together to solve a problem, the results can be astonishing. And we really believe that."
And it's really work!

For ex. the MythBusters wiki:


Monday, November 12, 2007

Making a Web 2.0 Text with fireworks by Techtreak.com

technorati tags:
del.icio.us tags:
icerocket tags:
keotag tags:


Photoshop Tips: Create a Tiled Background

A video about a nice background with Photoshop: